Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I have arrived!

Greetings to all of my friends! In case you are wondering, I am currently in Jo-burg writing to you from a mall. To give you a bit of an update on our travels, We arrived safely from Greenville to Atlanta yesterday. After some discussion about a class presentation with Charlee, fanagling with the phone service, buying some candy for my host families, and eating the awesome sketchy chinese food at Panda Express, we were all set at the Atlanta airport to leave for South Africa. The plane ride was very easy-going. I actually slept for about 8 hours on the plane (the total flight was about 15 or 16 hours). I watched The Matrix for the first time and had my mind blown away.

We arrived at Johannesburg at 7:00 last night (so 12:00 pm yesterday for y'all). The time is 7 hours ahead, so if you ever want to contact me, just think about that. We're staying at a place called St. Peters Place. It's about 30 minutes away from the airport and south of the city. Originally, St. Peters was a monestary for Anglican Monks who wanted to evangelize the black African population. It consisted of a hospital, a school (with a library!) and a seminary. Fun fact, Desmond Tutu was actually educated in the seminary. So far, I have eaten lunch with trip mates and teachers. We are now about to go to the Apartheid Museam in Jo-Burg. Sorry this post is so short, but I will try to be more detailed about my next post. Talk to you soon!


  1. Hi Hillary,
    Thanks for your comments. Can't wait to hear more. I trust that you will have an amazing experience. Looking forward to pictures. :)) You all are so much more techno-savvy than me! (techno-savvy is SUCH a 90's word!) Love you,
    Mrs. P.

  2. Yay for slow comments!

    Glad you're and everything! I hope that it has been great so far!

    I have some exciting news! They hired Dr. Bloomquist for the Psych Department!

    Hope that all is well!

